Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Hidden Danger of Snoring and Sleep Apnea

The more we learn the more we've realized that our greatest desire is to help the children of our practice. Children should not snore! If your child is snoring please bring him/her in for an evaluation. The sooner the better.

If a young child habitually mouth-breathes or exhibits any of these indications, it is especially important to have them evaluated as these conditions have a significant negative impact on development and form of oral, as well as facial, structures. It is also interesting to note that studies have shown that sleep disordered breathing is common among children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

If you are an adult and experiencing any of the following symptoms please give our office a call to schedule and evaluation:

-Waking up tired
-Weight Gain
-Dry mouth/throat
-Difficulty concentrating

We know how debilitating sleep apnea can be; from chronic fatigue to heart attacks and strokes. In adults all we can do is manage the disease, but in children we can practically cure it by allowing the airway and mouth to develop correctly.

What is sleep apnea?
Apnea means to stop breathing. Sleep apnea refers to a condition wherein you stop breathing during sleep. Most of us know someone who snores during sleep. You may also know someone who has commented that their partner has stopped breathing during sleep for seemingly long periods-long enough to be frightening. While snoring is often made the subject of jokes or teasing, it could be an indication of a serious health problem. The severity and danger associated with sleep apnea range from snoring that irritates your partner to life-threatening medial conditions.

What are some options for treating sleep apnea?
In some cases, surgery to remove obstructions or to stiffen the flabby throat tissue may be recommended for treatment. For cases of severe sleep apnea, a CPAP is often the first choice for treatment. This means wearing a mask while sleeping that is connected to a small device that maintains a positive air pressure, pushing air into your lungs. However, although painless and effective, some patients and their partners do not tolerate sleeping with the CPAP machine very well. In those cases, and in many moderate cases, oral appliances, which are available in our office, are often a good choice.

What is the our role in treatment?
Dr. Gardner can make custom fitted oral appliances that are worn over the teeth at night to prevent the jaw from falling back during sleep, keeping the airway open. There are many designs of such appliances, and we'll help find the best one for your situation.

If you or someone you know exhibits any of the symptoms listed, be sure to bring it to our attention. We can provide further information about this potentially serious condition. You could save a life!

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