Friday, August 15, 2014

Cavity Prevention Can Save You Thousands!

The Data and Analysis Center reviewed more than 77 million Delta Dental claims and found that - over a lifetime - a single cavity can have serious economic consequences down the road. 

We can help you prevent tooth decay and save you a bundle!

With new advances in dental technology and treatment, we can stop tooth decay from progressing and beautifully restore damaged teeth. Once restored, proper home care will help your restorations last; however, there is no such things a a permanent dental restoration.

That's why we are so passionate about having you and your family come in for routine dental exams to help prevent tooth decay. That means not waiting until you're in pain to  call us!

Keep Your Pearly Whites Pristine!

A new study shows that since all restorations are "temporary" the lifetime cost of treating just one molar that started with a small filling - on average - is about $2,187. Multiply that by several teeth and you'll come up with lots of reasons you'd rather enjoy spending your hard-earned money on other things.

Every dollar spent on preventive care can save you money by avoiding restorative and emergency procedures.

Let's face it, by comparison an exam costs next to nothing. And this is where the real prevention comes in. We now know that when good oral hygiene is coupled with regular dental visits and cleanings - cavities are almost entirely preventable.

Yet, 90% of all adults have had one or more cavities. And nearly 80% of young people have had a cavity by age 17. We don't want you or you family to become another dental statistic. When caught early, we can restore the form and function of  your decayed teeth before more serious damage occurs.

If you really want to keep you pocketbook and your pearly whites happy...preventive dentistry is the way to go.

For more information and to schedule a reservation call 936-539-3636 or visit us at 

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