Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dentistry can Improve Your Love Life

A Dentist can improve your Love Life

Here's how:

1. Kiss Bad Breath Goodbye

One of the main reasons people get out the habit of passionate kissing is chronic bad breath. If one person has a smelly mouth, the other is not going to want to spend much time in a lip lock. The most common reason for bad breath is gum disease.  The good news? Gum disease is very treatable, and a dental exam might be your best bet to get your love life back on track.

2. Cuddle More: Relieve Your Chronic Pain

People who are in chronic pain from any source are not likely to feel romantic. Some chronic pain issues are frequent migraine or tension headaches and also tempromandibular joint or muscle pain (TMJ). Many of these headaches and virtually all TMJ issues are caused directly or worsened by bruxism. Bruxism is intense clenching or grinding the teeth while sleeping. Many people who clench their teeth will get headaches. People who tend to grind their teeth are more likely to get TMJ issues, but most people do a combination of clenching and grinding. Drug-free, Food and Drug Administration-approved, and proven effective treatments are available and fabricated by trained dentists like us!

3.Sleep Better and Stop Your Snoring

Does your spouse's snoring prevent you from sleeping well, or has it even forced you into different bedrooms? A great way to reduce or eliminate snoring for many people is with a dentist fabricated appliance. The device holds the lower jaw slightly forward. This opens the space between the back of the tongue and the back of the throat allowing the air to flow much more smoothly and quietly.
If you or your spouse is a loud snorer who seems to stop breathing for a few seconds periodically during the night, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a possibility. This is a serious condition which reduces quality of life. If you suspect OSA, talk to us about a sleep study and other treatments.

You may not have considered it before, but here at Conroe Comprehensive Dental Center
we offer these services! 

For more information please visit us online at 

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